I’m with you. As a lapsed Catholic, the religious parts of Christmas still give me the warm fuzzies of remembering childhood. So this is kind of a slap in the face to all that. But it still bothers me more that this is just flat out dumb, regardless of sacrilege.
Will, in between TDAG and these Chronicles, you do such a good job setting the scene. It’s supposed to snow this weekend in Chicago and this made me wish for an all day summer jam. Pools, day drinking and all.
If there isn’t a shuttle from the hotel to the venue, there’s a good chance I’m not fucking with your wedding.
Also, I’ve been to weddings where the couple was married by a pastor or priest where it was all still one venue. It’s possible to be wed in the eyes of the lord and will let your friends be heathens.
Oh god. If I any of my friends started talking with abbreviated words like #1 I would terminate that friendship immediately. I’m talking doing a barrel roll out of a moving car immediately.
Correct. A cocktail hour is boss tits. But anything more than that is a pain. I imagine most people that live in or near a major city have dealt with the ceremony in a cool, old, city church, then having a 2+ hour gap until the reception at a hall in the suburbs.
The worst part of this is the fact that they’re really only mad because their Instagram moment was ruined. The best part is that toddler looking at balloons, then at the crowd, then at the balloons again like; “Ha. Cool reveal guys. I get to play with those, right? RIGHT!?!”
The long wait between ceremony and reception suuuuuuuucks. Fortunately it seems like most my friends have done the wedding in one venue (which is totally the move).
The Xanax comment took me by surprise. But now I realize that these are totally the type of bitches that abuse prescription pills but look down on people that smoke weed.
I’m with you 100%. I live in the suburbs, but when I go into Chicago I usually stay at my aunts, who lives in what we’ll call an “underserved” area (they bought a house when the area was on the come up right before the economy took a dump). Once über and Lyft came into the fold, my days of waiting over an hour for a cab because the were “busy” were over. I do feel bad for the non jagoff drivers who pay money for medallions (which is a horseshit system as far as I know) and are losing out on money. But until regular cab companies are on par with ride sharing, I’ll be in a Lyft.
Shout out downvoting regional dialect.
Living in Chicago, does anyone bust your balls for calling expressways “freeways”?
As long as the place was clean and the rats didn’t come out of an actual gutter, I would eat that in a heart beat.
Backed. The brunch experience that everyone has a love affair with sounds like hell on earth to me.
I still ride with you, J-man. It’s just your boys that liked boys in an uncool way kinda turned me off.
I really hope you didn’t yell “HEY YOU KIDS GET BACK HERE” from the porch. That was instant fuel to a pattern of abuse.
I’m with you. As a lapsed Catholic, the religious parts of Christmas still give me the warm fuzzies of remembering childhood. So this is kind of a slap in the face to all that. But it still bothers me more that this is just flat out dumb, regardless of sacrilege.
18 year old me who saw Wedding Crashers in theaters high out of my tree wants this sequel. 30 year old me knows it’s probably a bad idea.
I feel like everyone who writes these must have grown up in a toilet. And they’re the only sprakling gem of a person that had the gumption to leave.
If you’re embarrassed about it, I can see that. But out man Jesus calling online dating “shameful” lets me know he can’t be older than 25.
Tony has either never had his ass kicked. Or he’s had his ass kicked so many times it doesn’t even phase him anymore.
Will, in between TDAG and these Chronicles, you do such a good job setting the scene. It’s supposed to snow this weekend in Chicago and this made me wish for an all day summer jam. Pools, day drinking and all.
If there isn’t a shuttle from the hotel to the venue, there’s a good chance I’m not fucking with your wedding.
Also, I’ve been to weddings where the couple was married by a pastor or priest where it was all still one venue. It’s possible to be wed in the eyes of the lord and will let your friends be heathens.
Oh god. If I any of my friends started talking with abbreviated words like #1 I would terminate that friendship immediately. I’m talking doing a barrel roll out of a moving car immediately.
Correct. A cocktail hour is boss tits. But anything more than that is a pain. I imagine most people that live in or near a major city have dealt with the ceremony in a cool, old, city church, then having a 2+ hour gap until the reception at a hall in the suburbs.
The worst part of this is the fact that they’re really only mad because their Instagram moment was ruined. The best part is that toddler looking at balloons, then at the crowd, then at the balloons again like; “Ha. Cool reveal guys. I get to play with those, right? RIGHT!?!”
The long wait between ceremony and reception suuuuuuuucks. Fortunately it seems like most my friends have done the wedding in one venue (which is totally the move).
The Xanax comment took me by surprise. But now I realize that these are totally the type of bitches that abuse prescription pills but look down on people that smoke weed.
I’m with you 100%. I live in the suburbs, but when I go into Chicago I usually stay at my aunts, who lives in what we’ll call an “underserved” area (they bought a house when the area was on the come up right before the economy took a dump). Once über and Lyft came into the fold, my days of waiting over an hour for a cab because the were “busy” were over. I do feel bad for the non jagoff drivers who pay money for medallions (which is a horseshit system as far as I know) and are losing out on money. But until regular cab companies are on par with ride sharing, I’ll be in a Lyft.
This makes me feel like an old man, but I can’t wrap my head around why someone would need to Google Eggos. Just go to the store.