
Member Since 08/09/2018

  • Neku 6 years ago on Hating Popular Things Doesn’t Make You Interesting

    To be honest, this has been going on since (or before) the days of “angry style reviewing” and dudes copy that style just to sound cool & unique. It’s mostly from nerdy and rocker dudes who think they’re interesting just because they made a rant on how awful modern pop music is and think they’ve made an impact because of their smug opinions made them popular or “e-famous” on the Internet. Most of them lamented of how pop culture today is not “as good” as in the 80s and 90s, but when I was a 90s kid, I’ve known people who complained about how awful pop culture was in those decades. I used to date and befriend a few of them in college because they were praised for expressing their disdain over popular things. In retrospect, they were all insecure douchebags who wanted to extreme amounts of admiration from impressionable kids.

    After growing up, I’ve realized that every decade is going to have their theme and you don’t have to get into it. I’m not into Marvel’s superhero movies, Instagram makeup trends, and most of today’s pop music, but I’m not going to sit there and look down on people who love them, that’s not how I roll. They’re allowed to dislike any popular thing they want, but they need to stop acting like special snowflakes because they hate things the masses love.

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