
The 20 something recent business school grad surronded by HR harpies, the inappropriate boss, and those that are perennially perplexed. The employee tasked with wellness, and health insurance.

Member Since 11/14/2013

  • MyBossCallsMeBlondie 10 years ago on Things Millennials Would Rather Sign Up For Than Obamacare

    Let me say I work in HR and I’m training to do a lot of our work related to health insurance. I thought oh your moving up in the world. Look at you getting a bump in your pay and a higher title. Wrong. I know why the person went back to get another Graduate degree full time.
    I literally get phone calls and emails all day now bitching about how people don’t want the coverage for all the stuff that is required. I get freaking 100 emails a day asking why they think I should piece meal them together a plan and its not the young people bitching about it. It’s freaking Bob from some far off office in Idaho bitching about it. Some 71year old manager in the office is so pissed we cover birth control, that they has even stopped by my office and I’ve had to explain to him 3x that its way less expensive to pay for birth control than it is to pay for a pregnancy and then having another dependent on the plan. Then he tells me it is absurd we cover pregnancy and he doesn’t want his money going to it. All I can think is Jesus old man, the company pays for most of your plan, and I’d rather not have any of my money going towards erectile disfunction but you don’t hear me complaining, and its people like you who take the middle management jobs and don’t retire that are fucking up the younger employees. Whatever you lost in the recession from your 401k is back. You should have plenty to retire on now. It’s getting so hard to just smile and nod.

    I’m too afraid to send a survey out asking how happy people are with the policy, because I know it will bring a ressurgence of hatred and bitterness, so I am hoping to send it out when people are off for the holidays. Just fill out a quick survey and then forget about it.

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