
Member Since 09/21/2016

  • Lawyered 7 years ago on Basic Law School Questions Answered By A Lawyer-Podcast Guy

    Not sure what it was, but 2L year brings out whatever crazy you might have lurking. Anxiety that you’ve pushed down for years? Yep. Eating disorder that takes over because it’s the only thing in life you can control? You betcha. Friends who all apply for the same job and then become super competitive out of nowhere? Yep, that too. But finding out about that in my 1L year from an upperclassmen definitely helped when it came time.

    I also second the notion that if you can go to a school in the state where you want to practice and you have scholarships, definitely choose that over the debt and the T14.

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  • Lawyered 8 years ago on 10 Life Lessons I’ve Learned In Law School

    The two things I miss most about law school: Free food and wearing running tights with sweaters every day. Affording both food and professional clothes on my prosecutor’s pay = the biggest hardship of Postgrad life.

    The one thing I don’t miss : being surrounded by assholes.

    Second year is the worst. Best of luck.

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  • Lawyered 8 years ago on 10 Life Lessons I’ve Learned In Law School

    The two things I miss most about law school: Free food and dressing in my running tights every day. Paying for food both food and professional clothes on my prosecutor’s budget = biggest hardship of postgrad life.

    The one thing I don’t miss about law school: Being surrounded by the assholes.

    Year two is the worst. Best of luck.

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