
Member Since 01/29/2018

  • K_Scoot 6 years ago on Terrible Job Interviews, Drunkenly Cutting Your Hair, And Hickeys: The Worst Stories From This Weekend

    Neighbor to the good willed friends in golf club ex story here. I can assure you, all of the details in that story are so very sadly and equally entertainingly true. All parties involved are at least 30 years old so I’m not ashamed to admit I was happily passed out on my couch with a half eaten pizza only to be awoken by an aray of texts and phone calls from the aurthor of the story. At first I was uninterested assuming it was just another drunken night, as most of our other nights turn into. However, when I realized how serious she sounded and reread the texts mentioning there was a helicopter and pink handcuffs, knowing crazy ex homeboy personally, I had no choice other than to wipe off the pizza crumbs, pour a glass of champs, and pull up a seat to the aftermath of what unraveled that evening. De-escalation ninja did have a few small scuff marks on his face from taking ex homeboy down.

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