Member Since 08/19/2015

  • JPS15 9 years ago on It's Time To Put The Video Games Away, Chief

    I don’t think you realize how deep I have dug this hole for myself. I’m not the flat bill hat, energy drink, Call of Duty variety of gamer. I can’t play console games anymore because they’re not challenging or interesting enough anymore. On a typical weekday night around 8pm you’ll find me playing a RTS (real time strategy) like StarCraft II or a tactical shooter like CS:GO on a custom PC I built, while streaming, and talking to other gamers about strategy on TeamSpeak. I almost completely hide my gaming obsession from the “normies” because most people look confused when I tell them these are games you don’t “beat”. You continually play them to improve your strategy and game mechanics. It’s almost like a second full time job if you want to be a top competitor. The only way I am able to conceal this gaming obsession is by spending the other amount of my copious freetime in the gym as a gym rat. And I’m not saying I like to burn off a few cals on the treadmill after a superset of curls. I mean I can bench 300lbs any day of the week kind of strong. But now in my efforts to hide my true nerdy passions I have become gym-guy, who isn’t even really a true gym-guy because it’s really a cover for the gaming! Maybe now you can understand my endless spiral down a rabbit hole of double lives.

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