
Member Since 10/04/2013

  • Jhancock 11 years ago on 5 Benefits Of Having A Smart And Successful Wife

    A few have offered the criticism that the above post seems to imply that a man’s boss is always going to be another man. I get that the article is written half-jokingly (and I’m sure the author isn’t really expecting an all-male upper management team), but I think there’s another glaring issue here: treating a woman (or a man) as an object in general.

    It’s great that men today are realizing they need to choose a partner who is smart and successful. But the point of doing this is not so that you can have “intelligent arm candy”- no one should ever be considered arm candy, male or female. The benefit of finding a driven, hardworking spouse is not so you can show that person off to all our your friends and colleagues – the goal is to find someone who challenges you to be better than you could be alone. It doesn’t matter if that person is a CEO or a full-time stay at home parent.

    So, in the end, having an intelligent, successful spouse will help you get noticed by your boss – because your relationship will have helped you become a critically-thinking, competent worker who gets shit done.

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