
Member Since 12/07/2013

  • JDKnight 10 years ago on Fast Food Workers Who Want To Make $15/Hr Held A Reddit AMA And It Went Horribly Wrong

    It’s funny because I never got my GED or HS. Yet I still busted my ass in a job I hated to make it to a point where I could make a livable wage.

    I started off in retail selling sneakers; low pay shitty hours terrible bosses, but it’s what I could get. I worked in retail for I would say 4 or 5 years before I got promoted to a dept. manager.

    After some time I got to be a store Manager that pays some where around 50K a year + bonus so I will end up around 55-60K a year.
    I am still pulling shit hours in a shit job that I took over ten years of my life to get into. I work long hours deal with terrible managers and have to understand how to run a business. From dealing with HR issues to P&L reports LP Inventory ect.
    Normally this would req. a business degree that I could have gotten in 2 year but instead it took 10 years of work.

    Is my job hard? No it’s not but not everyone can do it. Managing millions of dollars in Inventory a staff training ect. That is not something everyone can do but I feel I am paid a fair wage based on my background. I am Lucky to have made it as far as I have.

    I worked in fast food for a week and thought I do not want to do this at all. This is not what I want for my life. So I did something about it. I worked long hours I learned all about the products I was selling, I knew everything about every show / sneaker. Learned about health issued related to running pronate vs supinate shin splints everything. When I got promoted stayed with that title for a year or so and took that and got a sales lead Job with computers at Circuit City. I then learned everything I could about computers from motherboards to ram to cpu and gpu. learned about the softwares ect ect . Got promoted stayed with that job for years. Took that Job went into a large Jewelry chain as sales and worked my way up to Store Manager level over years doing the same thing learning about gold silver diamonds and gems and becoming great in sales and a leader.

    So it took me over 10 years to raise my pay, sometimes working 50,60,70+ hours a week not including the study time I took to learn my products.
    Was it the smart way to do it ? No not by a long shot, but it was the way things played out for my life.

    If you want to double your pay, work hard make it happen but its not going to happen from holding signs and doing a Job anyone can do. Take your work get a Job as a prep cook at olive garden or something work your way up stop asking for hand outs . Do not tell me it can’t be done because I did it.

    And as you can tell by my poor grammar It doesn’t always take book smarts to get it done. Get off your ass and make something happen stop bitching

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