
Member Since 05/18/2015

  • jacqi 9 years ago on A Final Farewell To Forever 21

    Thank you for this comment!!! I signed up for an account just to comment on this article and how HORRIBLE it was. Your reply says it perfectly though.

    To the author.. I never care enough to waste my time commenting on these things but your article definitely made me stop and do just that. How can you be So rude and judgmental when you are Currently shopping there?! Also, calling an area of the store the “fat girl” section was probably the rudest thing you said. I hope you read all these comments and realized how you come off. No one needs to shop at some over priced store just because they arent in HS anymore.. Also I would like to point out that I have a lip ring, pink hair, and tattoos but never that didn’t stop me from getting a “real job”.

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