Wow, what a revelation. I can see you sitting in a shitty coffee shop probably writing this garbage in a mole skin notebook while wearing horn rimmed non-prescription glasses. Oh, and sipping coffee you can’t even pronounce and telling people you’re a “writer.”
You probably think strippers like you.
I was taking a dump when I asked my brother, these girls suck. Can’t wait for Todd’s Bachelor Party.
Wow, what a revelation. I can see you sitting in a shitty coffee shop probably writing this garbage in a mole skin notebook while wearing horn rimmed non-prescription glasses. Oh, and sipping coffee you can’t even pronounce and telling people you’re a “writer.”
I thoroughly enjoyed the insufferable plug that you hid drinks from “unsuspecting adults.”
You need a new hobby.
Absolutely slayed.
You’re definitely someones assistant aren’t you? A.A.R.M?
I have a feeling this kids going to publish some garbage about how he hates golf because his buddies went once and didn’t invite him.
Needed a redemption article for spewing out pure shit all week.
Damn son, your need for social acceptance is insufferable.