
Member Since 08/12/2013

  • GrandOldPartyingConsultant 11 years ago on Why House Of Cards Is Nothing Like Working On The Hill

    I work at a top consulting firm in DC and have worked in Republican campaign politics since I was 18. I believe the point that CatePGP is trying to make is that the show makes it seem as if the crazy and extravagant things that happen in the show happen ALL the time. Yes, everyone will get invited to a Christmas party. I went to 18 xmas parties on the Hill in December and a handful more around New Years. But Home Depot has fucking xmas parties as well, big whoop.

    The show is far-fetched because of how they make it seem like these things happen every single week instead of more sporadically. Also, it is a proven fact that the cost of living is higher in DC than any other city. It may have been NYC before over 50% of their population became below the poverty line… Sorry your city sucks HedgeFundFun.

    DC is also not a party city. It’s a bar city. Hawk and Dove and UP are packed every evening of the week with staffers from the Hill just getting hammered.

    Final comment: who is this fuckstick (fml69times) who is trying to walk around with a big swinging dick for working in a district office? That’s where political careers go to die so you enjoy that.

    CatePGP is more spot on with her comments than any of you fucks that have been a “volunteer coordinator” on a campaign or worked a Hill internship.

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