
Member Since 06/19/2013

  • Ghosted 11 years ago on #StartCrossFit

    I hear ya! I went out with my friends last week….after the WoD.

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  • Ghosted 11 years ago on #StartCrossFit

    What do you mean “learn” something? I have learned good deadlift form at CrossFit which has saved my back as I moved hundreds of pounds of metal a day. I have spent the last 26 months dedicating myself to learning the correct form on Olympic Lifts and Gymnastic movements. I run tirelessly after lifting your body weight 30-40 times. If by “learn” something you mean self defense, then yes boxing is a great way to achieve that goal. I can tell by how you have posted that you have spent no time inside a CrossFit box, and if you had you would know there is endless effort being poured out by these people. Glad to see you are staying in shape but you should say people aren’t learning things when they go to CrossFit I think you may be pleasantly surprised that its quite the opposite.

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