My friend right out of high school started a Dog Cleanup business and he was the butt of all jokes for awhile… It’s now in 3 counties and he’s rolling in it (money and poop)
I’m in this game too, hope you reach your goal. In the meantime, please don’t plague your social media feeds with the journey. I can’t tell you how many “eat clean, train dirty” or “fit fam” people I see and its just a constant eye-roller.
I need to just stop reading this series and just binge it all when and if it ever wraps up… This weekly shit is killing me
Shut up, Toby
Honestly this is pretty standard in NJ, our rent is obscene and if you make less than 45k you’re likely SOL
“Sorry can’t, still on MySpace”
TGDAG: “Forget” to take the pill
Probably be at the same job I’m at now…..
My neighborhood would smell so good if I won this.
Building up that Buzzfeed portfolio, eh?
My friend right out of high school started a Dog Cleanup business and he was the butt of all jokes for awhile… It’s now in 3 counties and he’s rolling in it (money and poop)
I hope he catches a glimpse of Girls snapchat story with something like “Weekend Boyfriends” or whatever and then just goes all in with Claire
Has she not seen The Accountant with Ben Affleck…. That’s what we do on a daily basis
irreconcilable differences
It’s the water too
Come over to Hoboken it’s a more enjoyable drinking scene, in my opinion at least
I highly recommend a Mr. Alex Jones. Stay woke
$25 goes a long way at Taco Bell and Redbox, you got this
I’m in this game too, hope you reach your goal. In the meantime, please don’t plague your social media feeds with the journey. I can’t tell you how many “eat clean, train dirty” or “fit fam” people I see and its just a constant eye-roller.
I’m sure it’s a placebo effect but I buy into this
No free space needed
Guy at my gym wears one sleeve shirts to show off his……