I use the time trick on iPhone…all it does is not allow you to “iMessage” you have to send peasant green texts. I learned this after I spent about $30 dollars on lives.go ahead 2 hours at a time to get 4 lives and as far as you want…but you could end up in 2014 if you aren’t careful/suck
So trueeee
208 is the level I meant above and I remember 168…
I use the time trick on iPhone…all it does is not allow you to “iMessage” you have to send peasant green texts. I learned this after I spent about $30 dollars on lives.go ahead 2 hours at a time to get 4 lives and as far as you want…but you could end up in 2014 if you aren’t careful/suck
Level 218 is the worst…gotta beat them…..all