
Member Since 03/28/2017

  • Excelsheetwarrior10 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts 4/12

    Crushed 2.5 cups of coffee before 8am EST. Dominating all my work, busting a two mile run at lunch, and John Mayer concert tonight
    Making this Wednesday my bitch. Child please!

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  • Excelsheetwarrior10 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts 3/30

    Waking up with only one thing on my mind: break knee caps. Your boy it’s absolutely going to crush today. Some dickhead in an 89 Bronco going 61 in the fast lane isn’t going to steal my shine. Blowing by him is the first task I murdered today. Friday is a mere one day away. Have a great one gentlemen!

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  • Excelsheetwarrior10 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts 3/28

    As I drive across the beautiful Cleveland landscape every morning , I read this column while pumping 24 oz of coffee into my system. While those two things are not safe to do while driving, it gets me jacked up for the day. This is my first post and I’m damn excited to be here folks. Let’s crush everything we do today.

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