
Member Since 09/06/2013

  • Esis 11 years ago on 5 Truths About Millennials

    I wouldn’t say it’s a “fashionable burden” just a common one. People were told, “Go to college it’ll make your life better!” and “You can do anything you want!” so they picked majors that interested them. Then the economy went to shit, and it took awhile for the commonly given advice to shift to reflect that.

    I count myself lucky. I went to a less expensive school and took a practical major (biology). So my debt is lower that many others and my prospects are better, but still not really “good.”

    Although intro science jobs are almost entirely temp positions right now, which makes starting out rough. It’s risky to move out of your parents house on a temp job, you might not find another one after that and get slammed with bills.

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