Dillon Cheverere

Dillon Cheverere is the Vice President of Media for Grandex, Inc. Email: dillon@grandex.co

Member Since 05/22/2013

WHAT is going here, and WHY is this guy allowed to throw knives at a real life human being? He’s terrible at it. This is a painful watch, because you really think there’s a good chance he catches ponytail’s jugular and spills his blood out all over the floor. He does clip his finger (1:17), he does nearly clip another (1:30), and he does nearly ends his life with a knife through the brain (3:18).

Knife Thrower Nearly Kills Assistant, Makes Him Bleed His Own Blood

Is Collusion In Fantasy Football Okay If It Ensures You A Playoff Spot?

Shut It Down, This Weatherman Just Won Halloween

Two Stuffed Animals Are Fucking Behind Kim Jong-un In This Photo, And Now Someone Must Die

Your Favorite Twitter Account Is Stealing Your Shit And Getting Paid For It

Cool Craigslist Dad Looking To Hire “Cool Black Kids” To Hang Out With His Bullied Son

I fucking love my Honda Accord. PGP.

Post Grad Problems