“The fundraising SOP meeting has been moved to Monday due to Dan’s strep throat so we don’t need to touch base twice.” PGP.
Can’t decide if I’m happy that my boss can’t make it in today or jealous that he has enough PTO to burn a whole day on bad traffic. PGP.
Single occupancy bathrooms being the height of luxury in your office building. PGP.
Girlfriend just thanked the waiter at a taco bar by saying “Graci-YASS.” PGP.
The hand bra picture in the “Temps” ad making me really self-conscious about reading this site at the office. PGP.
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time. PGPowerMove.
Judge Smails aspirations, Danny Noonan realities. PGP
Computer died today. Got replaced with a Mac with a huge screen. Now the whole office can see what I’m working on at all times. PGP
Irish exiting work. PGPM