
Member Since 02/25/2016

  • CubeFarmQuarterback 7 years ago on Essential Survival Tips To Get Through The Long, Miserable Winter

    If you will be downtown, familiarize yourself with the Skyway map, you should not need to ever go outside. If your job requires dress shoes, invest in a couple of pairs of durable shoe condoms, it gets slushy and there’s salt everywhere. Pay the extra 40-60 bucks per month for a heated garage spot in your apartment or opt for a block heater plug-in spot (never drive your vehicle before you allow it to heat up) and get your car washed often (road salt -> rust). Only go out in Uptown during the cold months (most bars within walking proximity of each other of any area in MPLS). Never allow your gas tank to go below 1/2 filled (the condensation will freeze). Have a spare coat, blankets, gloves, and hat in your trunk from November to March just in case of a break down. Thermal underwear and smartwool socks will help. Never wear steel toed boots in the winter, your toes will thank me later. Try to find an apartment that lumps gas into your rent, coming from California you will undoubtedly go through a lot in the winter here. If you’re a runner, buy a balaclava and utilize the greenway, the city does a great job of grooming it. Also, be a cautious driver on the highways during the winter. Highways 494, 394, 694, the 35’s and 169 are widely exposed to the elements and often times have bad patches of black ice and multi-car pileups because of excessive speeding through interstate exchanges. Last but not least, switch your beer of choice to Grain Belt Premium/Nordeast because it’s local and you’ll need it.

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