
Born in Tangiers, lost my virginity at age 12 to a Brazillian au pair, who was seemingly unaware of the American age of consent. Spent fifteen years at boarding school, At age 18, I was regarded as the most recruited lacrosse player in America, although an incident with a crazed stalker gutshooting me cost me my lacrosse career and a possible scholarship to Johns Hopkins. So I graduated from Georgetown and work for my mother.

Member Since 08/06/2013

Telling yourself it’s almost the weekend on Wednesday. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

At least Jordan Speith and I have the same hair line.

Post Grad Problems

Found out today we’re moving offices, I don’t think I’ll be here long enough to worry about the move. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Who needs birth control when you can just listen to your coworkers bitch about their kids all day, everyday.

Post Grad Problems

Mastering weather-related small talk. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Threatening to boycott your friends wedding if they don’t have an open bar. PGP

Post Grad Problems

That primal rush when Chipotle doesn’t charge you for double meat.

Post Grad Problems

I just spent an entire paycheck paying bills. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The woman behind me is flossing at her desk.

Post Grad Problems

Only ordering sodas at lunch when it’s on the company dime.

Post Grad Problems