The more caffeine I drink, the more acceptable I think my inappropriate comments are. PGP.
If I go out for lunch every day I’ll be broke, but if I don’t go out for lunch every day I’ll have no friends. PGP.
The customer is never right. PGP.
Being brought to the verge of tears by a sticky spacebar. PGP.
Over-sharers, close-talkers, and heavy-breathers. PGP.
Faking it till you make it. PGP.
The quarter-life crisis: just as bad as a mid-life crisis but no money to buy an awesome new car. PGP.
I moved into the city to be closer to the bars, and now I have no money to go to the bars. PGP.
Lying about your profession at the bar because what you really do for a living is an instant conversation killer. PGP.
Getting your oil changed on your lunch break. PGP.