bsWellandDOwell 7 years ago on Getting Back In The Game: Getting Back Together This gave me severe anxiety, I need a Xanax 3 Log in to reply or vote on comments
bsWellandDOwell 8 years ago on Washington, D.C. Is An Overrated Place To Live People automatically assume Georgetown is expensive. But, it lacks a metro stop which drives rent prices down. I pay a fragment of what my friends do across the city, and hell Uber is so damn cheap 0 Log in to reply or vote on comments
bsWellandDOwell 8 years ago on Washington, D.C. Is An Overrated Place To Live Ercilia’s pupusas all day er’ day 7 Log in to reply or vote on comments
This gave me severe anxiety, I need a Xanax
People automatically assume Georgetown is expensive. But, it lacks a metro stop which drives rent prices down. I pay a fragment of what my friends do across the city, and hell Uber is so damn cheap
Ercilia’s pupusas all day er’ day