Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

I can appreciate anyone who has fun on the job.

Texas Cops Get Down To “Dark Horse” On Their Dash Cam

George R.R. Martin Is A Mets Fan, Which Explains Why He Loves Killing People So Much

The First Clip From Season Two Of “Drunk History” Is Here

The PGP Friday Afternoon Playlist: Letting The Dogs Out

Fetal Position Desks Are Now Replacing Stand-Up And Traditional Desks

Your Face Was Formed By Millions Of Years Of Bar Fighting, Pretty Much

Yeah, well let’s see them try to make “The Rains of Castamere” happy.

The “Game Of Thrones” Theme Gets Jazzed Up

Why Humans Should Never Have Sex With Each Other, Ever

This 10-Year-Old White Rapper Is The Next Worst Thing On The Internet

Bill Murray Crashed Some Couple’s Engagement Photoshoot