Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Bonus points for use of “Brass Bonanza.”

The Illustrated Map Shows How The NHL Has Evolved Through The Years

I Made Our Intern Write A Report On A 10-Hour Video Of Fart Sounds

This Is What The Austin Skyline Is Going To Look Like In Three Years

Peyton Manning Dad Dances To “Rocky Top” At Training Camp

Well, this isn’t disturbing or completely terrifying in any manner.

John Oliver Explains Why The US’s Massive Nuclear Arsenal Is Worthless

I don’t know what was worse, taking a selfie or swimming when there’s lightning around.

Couple Taking A Selfie Almost Gets Struck By Lightning

Capitol Hill Staffers Use Yik Yak App To Hilariously Gossip About DC Interns

37 Realistic Wedding Hashtags

This Is What North Koreans Think The Future Will Look Like

Ah, that’s refreshing.

No One Dies In The Blooper Reel From Season Four Of “Game Of Thrones”