Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Bears Fan Makes Heinous Bet On Reddit, Keeps His Word By Shoving Cheese Sticks Where The Sun Don’t Shine

Shit’s nicer than anything you’ll ever poop in.

I Refuse To Believe That This Baller Ass Gas Station Bathroom Actually Exists

Worst night of the year.

Here’s John Oliver Speaking The TRUTH On How Lame New Year’s Eve Is

You are a better man than I.

Son Of The Year Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas

Run, bro. RUN!

This Girl Ugly Cried Her Face Off After Getting Proposed To On Christmas

The Sucker’s Guide To Working The Day After Christmas

Taking an early lunch to take advantage of the doorbuster specials at Jos. A. Bank. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Holiday Mailbag: I Banged My Coworker After Our Holiday Party And Now I’m Scared

It’s almost disturbing how closely this resembles “Serial.”

SNL Knocked This “Serial” Parody Out Of The Park

Yes, People Are Still “Raping” Presents On Twitter