Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

I mean, Bo Jackson did go to Auburn…

The Iron Bowl Miracle: Tecmo Super Bowl Edition!

Timeline Of An Amazon Drone That Has Become Self-Aware

Rob Ford Had Himself A Time At The NFL Game In Toronto

Auburn and Bama fans react to the most ridiculous college football ending this year, maybe ever.

[via Danny Vega]

Finally, A Montage Of The Best Reactions From The Iron Bowl Ending

The Sunday Struggle: RIP Your Endocrine System

Black Wednesday: The Day Of Days

The unspoken game of chicken between you and your coworkers to see who leaves first the day before a holiday. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The PGP Friday Afternoon Playlist: Black Wednesday Boogaloo Edition

How Good Was Franco And Rogen’s “Bound 2” Parody? Check Out The Side-By-Side Comparison

There’s A Guy In Dallas Who Wants To Reunite Vanilla Ice And The Ninja Turtles At His Birthday Party