Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Everyone Can Get Behind Budweiser’s Effort To Make This Day A Holiday

Power Ranking McDonald’s Breakfast Menu

I don’t know what it is about these girls, but I can’t stop watching this video. Maybe they’re gypsies. That’s probably it.

HAIM’s “If I Could Change Your Mind” Music Video Is Hypnotizing

Taco Bell’s Breakfast Menu To Debut Nationwide In March

Diary Of An Entry-Level Try Hard: Coming Up With A Business Plan

Now this…this is true love right here, folks. It’s completely anonymous, but the aptly named YouTube user “365DaysOfPenises” posted the video “365 Days of Penises” on Saturday, February 22.

It’s perhaps the finest display of phallic art since Seth couldn’t stop drawing dicks on everything in Superbad. We salute you, sir.

[h/t Jezebel]

Husband Of The Year Draws 365 Days Of Penises On His Wife’s Dry Erase Board

Water Cooler Talk: Jadaveon Clowney’s Insane 40-Yard Dash Time At The NFL Combine

Friends Post Absurd Craigslist Ad Looking For Cooler Friends Who Love America

Jimmy Fallon And Justin Timberlake Killed It Again With “The History Of Rap” Vol. 5

UPDATE: Lebron James Is Reportedly Going To Star In “Space Jam 2”