Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

I respect this kind of honesty. The president talks about his struggles as a kid, with school, being raised in a single parent home, peer pressure, etc. He was speaking to troubled youth in an effort to encourage the young people of America to make better decisions.

Seems like things still worked out pretty well for the president.

Barack Obama: “I Used To Get High…”

It’s not even a talk show anymore. It’s a “I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want with famous people” show. Jimmy Fallon is becoming a national icon. I don’t think he’s had a bad show yet.

Jimmy Fallon And LeBron James Play Wastepaper Basketball

George Washington Was A Raging Alcoholic, This Massive 18th-Century Bar Tab Proves It

We’re no strangers to love…or mashups. This is a good one. This is the most relevant Rick Rolling since 2007. Just wait until the Chumbawumba drops. That’s where it really takes off.

This Rick Roll/Avicii Mashup Is Actually Awesome

What’s The Most Streamed Song On Spotify?

The “House of Cards” Intro Reimagined In Chicago Is Breathtaking

Travis Okulski works for Jalopnik, Gawker’s car blog, and was one of the main critics of NASCAR legend Jeff Gordon’s original car prank on an oblivious car salesman. Okulski claimed Gordon’s stunt was fake. Well, ol’ #24 had something in store for Travis.

Score one for Gordon.

Jeff Gordon Pulled Off Another Awesome Prank On An Unsuspecting Passenger

Kentucky Woman Breaks Up With Her Boyfriend In An Absolutely BRUTAL Facebook Post

Texas State Senator Tweeted A Failed Attempt At Homophobia, Then Fired His Social Media Intern

Guy Gets Busted For Cooking Meth While Wearing A Los Pollos Hermanos Shirt