Bogeys and Hoagies

Member Since 07/31/2013

  • Bogeys and Hoagies 11 years ago on The Biggest Lies We Were Told As Kids

    I probably know some people around here that can make your life a little easier. Go to the Gala, stick to beer only and network your ass off. Buchanan Co. hasn’t really caught on to social media. I actually got asked the other day what my AOL name was, to which I could only shake my head, and respond “I think it’s saved on my Razor somewhere, let me dig that out and get back to you.”

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  • Bogeys and Hoagies 11 years ago on The Biggest Lies We Were Told As Kids

    NO WAY! ASL??!! Shit, the GF graduated from there and we are both townies. Small world, but yes, it is isolated and boring. And there are all of three places that serve alcohol in a 25 mile radius. House parties are essential, and being invited to a professors house to drink to blackout is not uncommon.

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