Blue Island

Member Since 03/02/2018

  • Blue Island 7 years ago on A Guy's Guide To Surviving Hot Yoga

    I went through the hassle of signing up for this website just so I could leave this comment. I have been practicing Hatha Yoga for 47 years and teaching for 26. My life is centered around Hatha Yoga and I have two university degrees in its traditions.

    People who do hot yoga:

    1. Have no knowledge whatsoever of yoga and it’s origins in India.
    2. Know next to nothing about anatomy and physiology.
    3. Don’t mind hurting their bodies to the point of surgery and possible necessary treatment for life-threatening events (strokes, heart attacks, heat stroke, etc.).
    4. Still believe the absurd urban legend that hot yoga “flushes toxins from the body”. It doesn’t.
    5. Don’t realize that hot yoga is far more damaging to the body than step aerobics;(remember that?).
    6. Are the sorts of people who passively accept received wisdom, rather than explore for themselves. They’re very low on critical and analytical skills.
    7. Haven’t been within 1000 miles of India.

    The teachers of hot yoga know very little about yoga, anatomy/physiology, or just about anything else. That’s why they’ve chosen the avenue that requires almost no skill – teaching hot yoga.

    I hope you’ll all be able to find genuine yoga from India. If not, head over to India in May. They’ll be happy to give you all the hot yoga you want!

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