
Member Since 04/25/2017

  • BitchintheBank 7 years ago on Riding In The Front Seat Of An Uber — Normal Or Psychotic?

    During a recent solo trip to San Franscisco, I decided to really utilize the trip as an opportunity to mature from the person friends once described as a girl who “wouldn’t even go to the bathroom alone” by sitting in the front seat of my airport Uber. I stood outside the airport and mentally hyped myself up as the car approached the curb. I climb in the front seat and start off with an enthusiastic “hello how is your day going!?!?” only to be met with a series of grunts and nods. Turns out homeboy didn’t speak a lick of English and we rode in awkward silence for 30 minutes while I looked at the window. 0/10 would not do again.

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