Bandler Ching

Member Since 08/09/2018

  • Bandler Ching 6 years ago on My Side Hustle Might Be Killing Me

    Admire the hustle but you’re just going about it all wrong. Ditch that Hi-can-I-have-some-more-towels gig and go for something you actually care about! Love to workout? Go check out how you can be an instructor at your closest Barre studio or spin class. Have a favorite boutique store? Try to get a 20 hour/week part-time job helping people gets some fits off. If nothing else Hell at least you’ll get a discount. Sure, time working after already putting 9 hours in blows no matter what it is…currently in this boat as well….but do it someplace you actually give a fuck about. It makes waking up before the sun on the weekends a LOT more doable and you actually may find some place willing to throw you 10-13 bucks an hour tipping you over that $250/ check mark. Ditch the hotel, and turn one of your passions into a money maker.

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