Logic is a must-see concert for any rap fan. He does an incredible job of working up the crowds and including them in his set. He even paused the concert and played Street Fighter against his fans on the largest screen. Plus he did over 30 songs in Dallas so its worth the money for sure.
“Sometimes, I’ll even close my office door for good measure, but that doesn’t really seem to deter the engineers who inhabit my floor. Bob will waltz right in and start gabbing about his wife’s sister who’s living with them, political drama, and why the Bills are just so damn awesome.”
Logic is a must-see concert for any rap fan. He does an incredible job of working up the crowds and including them in his set. He even paused the concert and played Street Fighter against his fans on the largest screen. Plus he did over 30 songs in Dallas so its worth the money for sure.
“Sometimes, I’ll even close my office door for good measure, but that doesn’t really seem to deter the engineers who inhabit my floor. Bob will waltz right in and start gabbing about his wife’s sister who’s living with them, political drama, and why the Bills are just so damn awesome.”