Made the same mistake in high school, year before I blew a 4 shot lead in our country club’s junior championship by baseball swing slicing 4 straight drives into the neighborhood. Started playing again in college and my handicap has been as low as a scratch golfer and as bad as 15. Keep it up and something will click in your swing and it will be 10x more enjoyable/frustrating.
I always assume mine is just jealous when she shoots me this look.
My first and only lesson I was told to not swing hard so I walked out, what’s the point if you’re not driving for show?
Made the same mistake in high school, year before I blew a 4 shot lead in our country club’s junior championship by baseball swing slicing 4 straight drives into the neighborhood. Started playing again in college and my handicap has been as low as a scratch golfer and as bad as 15. Keep it up and something will click in your swing and it will be 10x more enjoyable/frustrating.
What happened to the days of having to take on Mewtwo by yourself 100 times before finally caving in and using your Master Ball?
Only joy I’ve experienced today.. Ripped away so quickly.
ZeroHedge article.. well played. I’ve been saying this same thing for a year or two now as well.