
Member Since 05/30/2014

  • adamnichols3 10 years ago on A Man’s Rational Reaction To #YesAllWomen

    “Just because I may acquire a CCW doesn’t mean I’ll be able to live with myself if I maim or kill someone out of self-defense.” ….. so you’d rather not live at all? Because that is the situation that is being discussed; where you are in a situation where you are either going to die or defend yourself.

    “It’s not okay for me to have to decide to drive to an empty home or to the nearest police station at night because I politely refused a drink from a gentleman at a restaurant and he not only followed me out but continued to follow me in his car, as well? ” And no one is saying it is okay. However, it does happen and to kid yourself into thinking “well it’s not okay for this to happen so I’ll just assume it won’t happen” is just foolish and unsafe.

    You seem to be arguing against a straw man here. No one is claiming any of those things are right or okay or justifiable. However, we are all acknowledging that they happen. And to live in denial is not going to help anyone, especially the potential victims. The whole point is to just be prepared for the worse beforehand, so you can’t prevent an incidence from happening and not have to deal with the trauma afterward.

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