Since when did a poorly thought out major and a large unpaid student loan tab become a fashionable burden. I understand that’s a very broad generalization but there are quite a few people who where massively unprepared for the real world and grossly overestimated the value and income potential of their degree. But it’s not their fault really, it’s not like liberal arts programs make you sign a waiver acknowledging this.
I wouldn’t trade my hour on the train for anything. In the morning I pass the fuck out and enjoy an extra hour of sleep, in the evening I drink a tall boy and relax
If one more fucking “advisor” cold calls me trying to talk me into “investing” whole life insurance I’m going to beat an intern to death with a stapler.
I don’t leave the office until around 6 or 7, so yeah I’m guilty of full bateman at the bar. The fake smile and laugh are because I’m dead inside from working so much
fuck I guess I better stop eating hot pockets…
I’m gonna go out on a limb and call this a power move
Lets not forget heats-up-leftover-ethnic-food-in-the-microwave guy. There’s a special place in hell for that asshole
San Jose is awesome. You swing a dead cat and find 10 companies that are hiring…… If you’re an engineer
Don’t forget ‘taking-one-for-the-team-sex’ in which you satisfy your wing man duties and take down the 5 so your buddy can bang her friend.
Since when did a poorly thought out major and a large unpaid student loan tab become a fashionable burden. I understand that’s a very broad generalization but there are quite a few people who where massively unprepared for the real world and grossly overestimated the value and income potential of their degree. But it’s not their fault really, it’s not like liberal arts programs make you sign a waiver acknowledging this.
I wouldn’t trade my hour on the train for anything. In the morning I pass the fuck out and enjoy an extra hour of sleep, in the evening I drink a tall boy and relax
If one more fucking “advisor” cold calls me trying to talk me into “investing” whole life insurance I’m going to beat an intern to death with a stapler.
It’s weird being Eskimo brothers with an absolute doofus
I dunno about you guys but after a whole fucking day in the office and then traffic, I’ll go fucking insane if I don’t exercise
“A “Senior Account Rep” is surely smart enough to know that I’m really a peon at my company”
Nailed it
I don’t leave the office until around 6 or 7, so yeah I’m guilty of full bateman at the bar. The fake smile and laugh are because I’m dead inside from working so much