======= ======= ====== ====== ====== ===== ==== ====== ====== ===== ==== ======= ======= ====== ====== ====== ===== ==== ====== ====== ===== ==== Anyone that signs their emails with “Cheers” can go to hell. PGP. Office Bro Oct 17, 2014 « Older Wall PostNewer Wall Post »
======= ======= ====== ====== ====== ===== ==== ====== ====== ===== ==== ======= ======= ====== ====== ====== ===== ==== ====== ====== ===== ==== Anyone that signs their emails with “Cheers” can go to hell. PGP. Office Bro Oct 17, 2014
RainingOnMe 10 years ago I sign off Cheers all the time if it is to someone I like. Or if I’m doing it sarcastically because the person I’m emailing is a douche nozzle. 5 Log in to reply or vote on comments
FinancialProdigy 10 years ago Emoticon smiley faces in email signatures…who are they trying to fool? -6 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Draper 10 years ago Working in a mostly female industry, I’ve caught myself doing this 16 Log in to reply or vote on comments
I sign off Cheers all the time if it is to someone I like. Or if I’m doing it sarcastically because the person I’m emailing is a douche nozzle.
That makes you a douche nozzle.
Emoticon smiley faces in email signatures…who are they trying to fool?
Working in a mostly female industry, I’ve caught myself doing this
*internet hug*