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There’s a current trend that’s plaguing everyone’s weddings. No, it’s not the staggering divorce rate. It’s not the extortive nature of the wedding industry. It’s not the fact that the concept of weddings are really just single shaming disguised as a celebration of love. No. It’s wedding hashtags.
Some wedding planner out there decided that a wedding-specific hashtag was the best way to define a holy union. Something that was created to help people conveniently find blurry iOS pictures on social media has gotten out of control. This trend has grabbed wedding season by the seeds and is refusing to let go. They’re tacky, forced, and no one likes them. Let’s be more realistic about what we’re really celebrating when two people get married.
- #SheSettled
- #SucksToBeSingle
- #HesLoaded
- #MomSaidDontDoIt
- #HeAlreadyCheatedTwice
- #2YearsTops
- #WelcomeToOurWedding
- #ThisWeddingCostMoreThanYourAnnualSalary
- #OneGiantClichéAfterAnother
- #WeFoughtAllTheTimeInCollegeSoYeahLetsTotallyGetMarried
- #WhyIsThisWeddingInABarn
- #SurpriseGrandmaImPregnant
- #EveryoneFindSomethingToDoForFiveHoursWhileWeGoTakePicturesAndGetDrunkOnAPartyBus
- #ThisCakeCostMoreThanYourCar
- #SheMakesMoreMoneyThanHimButDontBringItUp
- #DadHatesGroom
- #LuckyInLoveBecauseWeWereBothRunningOutOfTime
- #SheBrokeUpWithSomeoneSevenMonthsAgo
- #HeCouldJustLiveAloneForeverJerkOffAndBeHappy
- #DryWedding
- #SomeoneMakeSureHannahIsntCryingInTheBathroom
- #WhyIsntAnyoneWearingShoes
- #NeitherOfUsAreVirgins
- #TheGroomIsWearingCamo
- #WeveGotA5050Chance
- #ThanksForSpendingAnEntirePaycheckOnAirfareHotelAndGift
- #ItsAToaster
- #ThisWeddingIsHorseShit
- #HeShouldHaveMarriedMeganSheWasCooler
- #HoneymoonInHawaiiRealOriginal
- #WorstCoupleYouKnowButActLikeYoureHappyForUs
- #HourAndAHalfCeremony
- #DontGiveUncleHarryAnythingToDrink
- #ShouldHavePutADownPaymentOnAHouse
- #AlreadyLivingTogetherDontTellOurParents
- #IsThisAWeddingOrAWhiteTrashThemedFratParty
- #WeGotAllOfOurIdeasFromPinterest
Numbers 19 and 25 are the big takeaways here.
Your friends must love inviting you to things.
Weddings are boring as hell.
#20 is my worst nightmare.
Agreed. If I spend a decent amount of money on some unnecessary item from your registry at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, the very least you can do is provide me with free whiskey as I drink the loneliness away.
Agreed. How am I supposed to give a best man speech sober?
Thankful that I’m early enough in my postgrad life to not have had to put together an MoH speech yet. Sounds like a less-than-stellar time regardless.