
Optimistic pessimist, Profoundly unimportant

Member Since 01/07/2014

  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Getting Out Of Debt: Compound Interest

    We should be teaching kids how to mine digital crypto currencies like Bitcoin using high powered CPU’s and then teaching them how to code. The best way to maximize your currency in your digital wallet is to optimize your energy consumption in regards to the high powered electronics that are needed to make real return at scale. Solar power is an option but it’s expensive upfront. What has to happen is for Zero Point energy to be released to the public from black budget projects that are off the government ledger which would provide free and limitless energy to everyone with huge power potential when a noble gas like Helium is passed through it.This would literally destroy the need for money and greed all together and would result in true ultimate freedom for the human race

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Getting Out Of Debt: Compound Interest

    Agreed. But it’s also easier for the entities that control our money supply have our currency backed by so much demand on a global scale due to dollarising other economies like Zimbabwe’s which devalues their own local currency and also allows dollarised businesses in those countries to charge higher interest rates and transaction/service fees for money movements to then have that money go to foreign entities outside of said country, causing hyperinflation rates. Also having our currency become the petrodollar further strengthened the dollar. This helps prevent hyperinflation back here in the US. Anyone who has ever tried to leave the petro dollar and create a new currency has been brought into war or killed (Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi) because it would ruin the dollar’s value and cause hyperinflation here in the homeland and you can’t have the most powerful country imperialistically implode on itself just yet. There needs to be a suiter to be chosen after and my guess would be China since they have trillions of dollars in foreign currency sitting in their reserves and a massive population that still is able to have a stable currency of their own. Fluoride is damn good in Crest toothpaste though

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Getting Out Of Debt: Compound Interest

    It very well could be or it’s Dillon’s internal frustrations being let out anonymously so he can blow off some steam without harming is VP reputation. Plus Native American chief wooden statues are very stoic on the outside but deep down you know their souls are running around like Kevin Costner in Dances With Wolves

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Getting Out Of Debt: Compound Interest

    Conspiracy theory: he is a pseudo account for someone that works are Grandex who is here to troll and have fun with the people in the comment section yet has the ability to manipulate the success rate/failure rate of his comments given the fact that he has had is comments go from -20 to +18 at an unrealistic timescale on older articles especially in response to my comments in particular as my comments have gone in the reverse fashion (positive to negative)….all to create feuds and division in the comment section in order to conquer and also drive traffic to the site and it’s articles lol idk

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Ranking John Duda's Last Three Fits

    lol I feel like you’re someone who works at Grandex just trolling who has the back end ability to manipulate the “likes” and “dislikes” given the unrealistic cadence at which you recovered from such a negative rating all the way to positive ratings in such a short amount of time. This is fun though, I’m not going to lie

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Getting Out Of Debt: Compound Interest

    There’s a reason why we have a privately held centralized banking system who gets paid back the interest on the money it loans out to governments and other central banks around the world who lend out money to commercial banks who lend out money to people while only keeping 10% of deposits in reserves. Why do you think anyone who has tried to abolish the federal reserve or the IMF and establish a decentralized currency gets murdered?

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Getting Out Of Debt: Compound Interest

    I hate to be that asshole but all money is considered debt since it was technically created out of nothing off of a debt request that needs to be paid back over time. You’re essentially paying off debt with debt + interest to to an entity who is using your debt payment to pay off their debt plus interest and so on and so forth. That’s the genius of the fractional reserve banking financial system. The whole point is so that no one ever gets out of debt. I look forward to having my grandkids read this series after your grandkids get grandfathered into writing this series as well as paying down your debt plus their own debt lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on I'm Out On Pop Culture

    Pop culture is def a distraction from the mundane realities of life but it in itself is mundane. “Oh look, there’s a not-that-good-looking singer person dressed in meat slabs, hanging from some chains connected to ceiling rafters, being lowered over a large swath of lemmings as she sings about broken heartedness and champagne in C#minor while everyone screams in excitement. Meanwhile, the people that actually run society in the shadows are syphoning off 90% of the money supply securely away from us which causes inflation which is a hidden tax on the public and also decreases the value of every single dollar making our buying power seemingly worthless. But it’s okay, I’ll just shut up and drink my vodka soda and shake my fist in the air to some guy everyone tells me to believe in who supposedly cares about everyone collectively yet we can’t see him. Meanwhile thousands of civilians get blown to pieces from another country’s military for some black liquid that powers out ability to drive to our dead end cubicle jobs until we die. Guys, life as it is right now is literally fucking retarded lol….invest in Bitcoin and maybe some guns…oh, and ammo too

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Five People That Had A Worse Weekend Than You: The Hell?

    The Chinese military supplements the North Korean military. Our military basically supplements the militaries of other countries with “last year’s models” and we provide them to reverse engineer certain technologies so there is a chance for them to “defend” themselves when we come knocking lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Ranking John Duda's Last Three Fits

    Wow, I am supremely flattered by your kind gesture. My dog walking rates are $2,500 per hour and given your family’s immense wealth, you should have no problem meeting my requirement. I also only walk thoroughbred dogs that have placed higher than 3rd in the Westminster Dog Show for the past 10 years. I’m really proud of you for being able to put chains of words together to form sentences on here. I know I come off as a Goober on here but let’s be honest with each other, I am the fucking Supreme (TM) Leader of the comment section on here and I know you’re just trolling on here and it’s kinda funny actually. You and I are going to have some fun on here, I can see it now

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