Year Around Work

Member Since 11/19/2013

  • Year Around Work 11 years ago on Ladies, It’s Time To Talk Size

    For some reason, this issue is one of my only soapboxes. You seem intelligent and made good points in your article. I just say take it deeper. Your Husband is right when he says fuck De Beers. It’s a fact, not a conspiracy, that they convinced us to buy these worthless shiny stones. Now western culture men HAVE to buy that diamond ring. The only realistic way I see to bring the industry from evil back to being amoral capitalist is for competitors to hack at De Beers until they own less than a third of the world’s diamonds. Then the people with Diamonds are not responsible for genocide and the price would fall to where you can have perfect color, caret etc.

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  • Year Around Work 11 years ago on Ladies, It’s Time To Talk Size

    To answer, having empathy does not make me a liberal. Liberals believe in irrational short term fixes while compassionate conservatives like me believe in the rational long term. Exploitation takes place all over the and yet we but those products. I would like to help those workers, but they have an oppressive government and they would statve without the job. Diamonds started as a good idea (collateral for your fiancé’s virginity) but artificially raising the price to way more than its value and virtual slavery in Africa is the reason I don’t support. I’m not trying to troll this post, but unless the author was using subtle sarcasm, then she failed to make a point. I guess I’ll have to sue her.

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  • Year Around Work 11 years ago on Ladies, It’s Time To Talk Size

    Homosexual mix-raced communist pirate to be exact. What can I say, “arrr I like the booty.” You were close so thanks for playing. Don’t forget to wipe the shit off your face though before you leave.

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  • Year Around Work 11 years ago on The PGP Weekly Dating Q&A: The Text Limbo Zone

    If it wasn’t for that fact that Jared needs traffic to his website, this should be a PSA, so nobody has to ask any more. Guys aren’t that complicated. If he likes a girl, it will show aftee two days. Seriously, have you heard the song “When a maaaaan, Loves a woman” it’s all right there. But ladies, keep over analyzing us and visit (You’re welcome for the plug)

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  • Year Around Work 11 years ago on Ladies, It’s Time To Talk Size

    You still sounded catty by saying the price is all that matters in the end. If you’re a mature girl dating a mature fellow, it won’t matter what he proposes with. A mature fellow will spend that 3 months salary, anyway, because the girl means the world to him. On another note there are many types of precious stones. I don’t have to support genocide in Africa by paying for a Diamond Ring. Sue me if you don’t like it.

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  • Year Around Work 11 years ago on I Don't Want To Be A Housewife

    The educated part is definitely important. A guy with a hot girl will eventually get tired of looking at her. A guy with a smart girl will never run out of things to talk about. And supposedly couples talk outside of college?

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