
Member Since 03/14/2016

  • Tooold 6 years ago on Would I Pass A Federal Background Check?

    As someone who has Top Secret clearance, I found this article amusing. However, I do object to this statement: “support whoever the President is and are loyal to him.” This is so not true. We swear to uphold the constitution. that is the ONLY thing we are loyal to. As with most federal employees, it doesn’t really matter who is president, we are going to do our jobs and support as best as we can as long as we are following the constitution. If there is something we don’t agree with, there is always the slow roll, but we rarely will outright rebel.

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  • Tooold 7 years ago on PostGrad Single Dad: Clothes Shopping

    I’m chiming in late on this, but why are you buying new clothes. They grow like weeds. 75% if my pre-school sons clothes are used. Buy them at consignment sales or eBay. Save yourself some $$, then resell when he’s done. Oh and I totally relate to no buttons. My god the drama when they did dress up day at school.

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  • Tooold 7 years ago on Literally All Seafood Is Trash

    I don’t eat seafood either. Lord knows I’ve tried, many many times. I recognize my taste buds are whacked, but the taste smell and even appearance of almost all seafood makes my stomach turn. The best I can do is some crab dip buried under mountains of other crap.

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  • Tooold 7 years ago on Postgrad Single Dad: Birthday Party

    As a parent to a 4 year old, I love these articles. They hit so close to home. My parenting highlight this weekend: After we went out to dinner, walking back to the car he was hopping around like a kangaroo on crack and he ended up clothes-lining himself a rope. Knocked him off his feet and he cracked his head on the pavement. Good times.

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  • Tooold 7 years ago on I’m A Dude With Baby Fever

    Just say No to having kids. Seriously it’s not worth it. Sure they’re cute at times, and they will crack you up, but so not worth it. I miss my life of freedom. I also recognize I am a terrible mother.

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  • Tooold 7 years ago on Six Truths No One Told Me About Approaching 30

    True story on people living in high school. I had to break up a (verbal) fight with two of my 70+ year old team members over some silly high school crap yesterday. My 3rd 70+ year old plus team member was out but man she can talk about people. Claims she just wants to be left alone, but will rail about everyone.

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  • Tooold 7 years ago on Pie Is Better Than Cake And It’s Not Even Close

    While an expert at candy, I feel like I can hold my own on baked goods and other desserts. So it is with some authority that I say that this take is trash. You are so wrong that cake needs frosting to survive. Clearly you have not had some awesome cakes with glazes or other sugar added toppings. In my very long life of eating total crap I will hands down say that I have had more bad pie than I’ve ever had bad cake. Both can be bad, but I find it happens more often with pie than with cake. In fact, I have had so many bad crusts that I actually say cobbler > pie.

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  • Tooold 8 years ago on Here’s All The Crap Your Favorite PGP Writers Bought On Prime Day

    You inspired me to face up to what I actually bought yesterday and it wasn’t good. I spent $500 on a whole lot of stuff. My husband is going to kill me. He called me midway through the day because he knows what an impulsive shopper I am. I honestly didn’t think it was so bad until now. Oops. I guess it was a good thing that I missed out on a bunch of stuff I had my eye on.

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