
Member Since 05/08/2014

  • ThatguyinFinance 10 years ago on What A Girl's Drink Of Choice Says About Her

    yeah, because I am one as well. She is also an athlete and prefers her meat rare, which are basically two of the best things ever. Gonna catch heat for this but ok, I’d much rather drink two mugs of arrogant bastard or any other actual good and flavorful beer and catch a buzz than drink ten coors lights and feel bloated and piss ten times for that same buzz

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  • ThatguyinFinance 10 years ago on What A Girl's Drink Of Choice Says About Her

    My woman: orders arrogant bastard, waiter asks “are you sure?” with reproachful look, woman looks at this punk bitch and says “yes, I know what hops are and I love good beer”, I silently thank the gods that I found such an awesome lady

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  • ThatguyinFinance 10 years ago on Fear And Loathing At The Local Fitness Club

    I see. Wasn’t meaning to sound like an ass, though I find that it is my default tone on the interwebs because I suck at conveying tone. Feel justified in wondering why people find it so hard though, as it seems to be a fairly common topic ya know? and it is a damn shame that the fda freaked out about dmaa, stuff was good and like most things, safe provided you don’t use it like an idiot

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  • ThatguyinFinance 10 years ago on Fear And Loathing At The Local Fitness Club

    So I’ve been working out since I was like 12 so maybe its just that I’ve been doing it too long to get these articles…. But what the hell is the big deal with people being weird about working out? just go, do something like exercise and then go home. Everyone treats working out like some arcane art. No, nobody cares about you or what you are doing, yes there will be people in better shape than you (they didn’t start that way) and yes it can suck but do it or risk being a fatty lumpkins.

    and monoclesmile here is right, preworkouts have like all of the caffeine in them, so be careful

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