Spaceman Spiff

Now a graduate with a few years of business "experience", Spiff didn't exactly turn into the interplanetary explorer extraordinaire he had hoped to become. Instead, he spends his days as a cynical desk jockey, moonlighting as a Contributing Writer for PGP and marching ever closer to the big 3-0, which has only fueled his transition from quarter-life crisis straight into thrisis.

Member Since 08/22/2013

Corporate Tech Geek Throws Down $34k At Strip Club On Company Credit Card

Here’s To You, iPhone Asshole

What A Potential Government Shutdown Means For You

Your Weekly Business Buzzword Bullshit

Things I’m Sick of Seeing On Facebook

Grown-Up Show & Tell: Look At My Kids!

Getting stuck using this stall. Every. Single. Time. #PGP

Why You Need To Befriend The Worst People In The Office

Business Communication Etiquette Part II: Phone Calls

Business Communication Etiquette (Part 1): Email