
Member Since 06/27/2013

Happy Fourth of July, everyone.

Best Way To Celebrate The 4th of July

I bet Skyler still would’ve been a bitch.

If Breaking Bad Was Made In The ’90s

I’m into having sex, I’m not into making love.

50 Cent Dubbed Over Jehova’s Witnesses Sign Language Sermon Against Masturbation

With the Fourth of July approaching, it’s time for a safety lesson.

Some Guys Just Can’t Handle Fireworks

Hell yeah. Get money, get paid.

Cuban Car Salesman Living The American Dream

Best Vines From June

Who Said White Boys Can’t Jump?

What you want to say and what you can say aren’t the same. #PGP

Whale-speak truly is the language of love.

When You Realize Your Clingy Ex-Girlfriend Might Actually Have Been A Whale