
Member Since 07/25/2017

  • SeldomMetWith 7 years ago on 9 Very Important Questions I Have About Penises

    One more vote for dead day at work, so here goes.

    Special cleaning?
    – no, it’s external, so you wash it just like any other extremity.

    Worrying before?
    – I don’t know that I’ve ever sink-washed, but I’ve definitely thought about it before.

    – I think I’m pretty normal there, so I don’t really think about it. I can’t imagine I would though unless it was really far from it.

    – I can’t answer that one.

    – If you do this past like 18 you’re an idiot.

    – never heard this acronym before but it’s hilarious. If it’s happening from normal TV/movies it’s probably time to clean the pipes.

    BJs vs Sex
    – A really good bj is absolutely incredible. But having one or the other forever, I’m taking sex every time. I know most girls are on the flip side of this, which is pretty amazing.

    – Being bad at sex is just lack of rythym I feel like. Bad at oral is kinda just attitude, ask what the other person likes and do that – think that goes for guys and gals.

    – I’d imagine kinda the same it feels for girls, and really hard to explain? the sneeze thing kinda works, but idk if it does it justice.

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