sdwagner 8 years ago on Rooftop Bars Will Always Disappoint You Yes. My simple solution to this article: get the hell out of NYC 13 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sdwagner 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts 5/1 Woke up to snow in my yard, so there’s that. Supposed to be in the 70s by week’s end though 7 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sdwagner 9 years ago on An 11-Year-Old Golf Stud Made A Hole-In-One Right In Front Of Tiger Cargo shorts and basketball shoes? Cmon kid 7 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sdwagner 9 years ago on Is It Just Me Or Does Going Home For The Holidays Kind Of Suck? Get a radio transmitter for your phone. Download podcasts ahead of time and listen to them on the road. Joe Rogan’s are like 3 hours long 1 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sdwagner 9 years ago on Please Stop Buying Me Shots Will complains a lot 9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sdwagner 10 years ago on Be The Cool Dad, Not The Uncomfortably Cool Dad I’d much rather have my kid passionate about the cello rather than the Cowboys. The Cowboys are a disaster of a team 32 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sdwagner 11 years ago on 47 Things WASPs Love The Kennedys were Catholic 63 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Yes. My simple solution to this article: get the hell out of NYC
Woke up to snow in my yard, so there’s that. Supposed to be in the 70s by week’s end though
Cargo shorts and basketball shoes? Cmon kid
Get a radio transmitter for your phone. Download podcasts ahead of time and listen to them on the road. Joe Rogan’s are like 3 hours long
Will complains a lot
I’d much rather have my kid passionate about the cello rather than the Cowboys. The Cowboys are a disaster of a team
The Kennedys were Catholic