sassyred1216 9 years ago on I Have Nothing To Do At Work And It's Killing Me Reading this website was the answer for these kinds of days for me.. having one right now in fact. Cheers! Sorry this is completely unhelpful 😉 11 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sassyred1216 9 years ago on A Dude's Breakdown of "The Bachelor" Finale Thank you for the best recap of all time, and congrats on the residency! -13 Log in to reply or vote on comments
sassyred1216 9 years ago on All Of These Workplace Stereotypes Make Our Generation Sound Horrible Most companies now don’t bother with those gold watches or even any retirement benefits at all anymore. You can’t preach loyalty if you ain’t puttin out 6 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Reading this website was the answer for these kinds of days for me.. having one right now in fact. Cheers! Sorry this is completely unhelpful 😉
Thank you for the best recap of all time, and congrats on the residency!
Most companies now don’t bother with those gold watches or even any retirement benefits at all anymore. You can’t preach loyalty if you ain’t puttin out