
45th President of the United States of America. Together, we will #MAGA.

Member Since 03/07/2017

  • realDonaldTrump 6 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Paris, Part I

    Wow, Girl is so certain that low energy Todd will propose that she’s shamelessly telling people on the plane. Total surprise to poor lady. Girl is even more shameless than Senate Democrats who refuse to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts. Now with the great vote thanks to Trump, it could be a very Big day for the Stock Market – and YOU!. Girl making big disgrace of herself by taking Ambien before flight. Even more disgraceful than awful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration….Surprisingly Todd is playing along with Girl’s entire charade. This is very dishonest behavior from him. We all know he will get “cold feet” or maybe even “accidentally” lose the #Ring over the trip. He even added perfect the Champagne touch. Why is he doing all this for her? Todd now front runner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY! We know he doesn’t really like her. He is maybe being even more dishonest than big liar Comey, with the phony Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters – worst in History! But fear not, Trump will bring back to Greatness. Thanks!

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  • realDonaldTrump 6 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Pack

    Girl thinks the last two-and-a-half years of her life have boiled down to this one week in Paris. Can you imagine the fallout if Todd does not propose over trip? May drive Girl off the deep end into complete insanity. Maybe even more insane than the crazy Goofy Elizabeth Warren who likes to think she is a Navajo that plays dress up as Pocahontas. Some reports say she might try to challenge your favorite president next election. Would certainly leave a trail of tears across the Dem party if she managed to be nominated – very bizarre lady. Now Girl thinks she can convince Todd to bring two suitcases for just a one week trip? Todd should look at my meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” yesterday (who are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes) when they begged me to keep illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked. Trump told them NO DEAL…Can you imagine how Katie’s reaction to Girl if she doesn’t come back from trip with #RING. Reminds me of Trump laughing at low ratings Joe Scarborough who speaks badly of me, but now is on the Run based on the “unsolved mystery” that took place in Florida years ago. Investigate!

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  • realDonaldTrump 6 years ago on The Chronicles Of Todd: Black Wednesday

    Wow, Tyler pulls huge move and tells Todd exactly what he needs to hear. Should be thanking Tyler for advice, big league. Just like LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, should be thanking me for saving son in CHINA but is unaccepting of what I did and thinks that shoplifting is no big deal. Maybe I should have left them in jail! Now Todd should leave Girl in Paris. Unfortunately well all know leightweight Todd will be too weak to do what he should and will probably propose to Girl over trip. He reminds me a lot of loser Sen. Jeff Flake(y), who is unelectable in the Great State of Arizona (quit race, anemic polls) was caught (purposely) on “mike” saying bad things about your favorite President. He’ll be a NO on tax cuts because his political career anyway is “toast.” Maybe Todd should have mixed things up with Crazy Lindsey at the bar. What a week!

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  • realDonaldTrump 6 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Trip Planning

    Do you think Girl will ever thank her parent’s for funding her trip to Paris to possibly get the only thing she’s ever cared about? #RING…Just like Trump wonders if the three UCLA Basketball Players will ever say ‘thank you President Trump’? They were headed for 10 years in jail! TRUMP with the big save!! Because I have developed a great relationship with World leaders like Xi Jinping, President of China. The crazy Fake new media should realize that these relationships are a good thing, not a bad thing. The U.S. is being respected again. Just like Girl should realize this and value her relationship more with the very annoying Caroline. Although Caroline is completely terrible, she still is Girl’s only true friend. Girl being very rude to her lately just like @CNN is being very unfair to Trump. While in the Philippines I was forced to watch @CNN, which I have not done in months, and then again realized how bad, and FAKE, it is. Loser!…Girl should be asking Trump on recommendations on where to go in Paris, not silly housewives. Have been there many, many times. And the people there say they love Trump. Unfortunately will not be going back for very long time as Trump had to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Climate change accord was a BAD deal and would undermine the U.S. economy, and puts us at a permanent disadvantage #AmericaFirst

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  • realDonaldTrump 6 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: The Night Before

    The very annoying Caroline is starting to remind me of the crazy Congresswoman Frederica ‘wacky’ Wilson(D) who killing the Democrat Party – what a bizarre Hat lady. Caroline is the one killing Girl’s chances of ever getting a #Ring if she continues to treat Todd very unfairly. Making up crazy statements about Todd that are totally false, just like that biased FAKE news lyin main stream @nytimes continues to write false story after false story about me. They don’t even call to verify the facts! A Fake News Joke! Then the FAKE news #MSM didn’t even report on nutter Donna Brazile stating the DNC RIGGED the system to illegally steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders. Bought and paid for by Crooked Hillary. Got ZERO coverage. Just like Todd is getting zero coverage from his buddy John from his off the rails wife’s attacks. Tries to weakly tell her to lay off Todd. Reminded me of how low energy Jeb(!) tried to tell me to lay off of his family members during the primaries –
    abysmal…The system is rigged against Todd. Todd must stand strong like TRUMP! Even goofy Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren, who must always be playing dress up for Halloween, stated that the Democrats rigged the Primaries! Lets go FBI & Justice Dept.

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  • realDonaldTrump 6 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Halloween III

    Trump was very pleased to see Todd pull BIG league move and ghost the very annoying Caroline last week just like the American people were promised. Big Win!…Unfortunately, the Fake News is working overtime. As Paul Manaforts lawyer said, there was “no collusion” and events mentioned took place long before he came to the TRUMP campaign…But it is NOW the very annoying Caroline that is the one committing highly illegal acts of COLLUSION with Girl to inspect the ring Todd received from his mother. This very crooked behavior. This story must be exposed like total creep and lying snake John Podesta was. You know the one that has the Dems in a dither. He is RUNNING from his own firm! Just like Caroline is running from her own work responsibilities after Halloween. Who still goes out on this day at their age unless it’s for their own children? BIZARRE. Time to get their act in line. Instead she’s roping Girl into some ‘Retail Therapy’ for the day. How very irresponsible, people. Trump has warned before that Todd won’t be able to support her expensive habits unless Congress acts on Trump’s plan. House and Senate should consider ASAP as the process of final approval moves along. We must save Todd. Push Biggest Tax Cuts EVER. All of this “Russia” talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform Is this coincidental? NOT!….Also, there is NO COLLUSION!

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  • realDonaldTrump 6 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Ring Shopping

    Trump just signed major executive order that has directed Will to give the PGP community a ‘Chronicles of Todd’ on Thursday where Todd skips his meeting with the very annoying Caroline just like Trump skipped the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner last spring. We will not be coerced into false action, people. The very annoying Caroline thinks her antics will help Girl’s engagement, when really she’s just trying to protect herself from the nuclear fallout. Reminds of lightweight Senator Bob Corker who helped President O give us the bad Iran Deal & couldn’t get elected Dog catcher in Tennessee. Liddle’ Bob Corker has set the U.S. way back as incompetent head of Foreign Relationship Committee and the entire World was laughing at us. Just Caroline is setting back Girl’s relationship with Todd – no one wants your help! No wonder he’s not seeking re-election…If Girl miraculously has wedding she should be weary to elect Caroline as Made of Honor – will likely do very BAD job. Her approval ratings on PGP are dropping faster than total flake Sen Jeff Flake. Only 18% in Arizona, but had the balls to say many Senators disapprove of Trump. Really? they just gave me a standing O! Stock market at record high – You’re welcome!

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