Just overheard my first “Now get out of my office.” PGP.
I set up an appointment for 8 a.m. on a Saturday because that was “more convenient.” PGP.
Spending most of my Thursday and Friday thinking how I can get out of my weekend commitments. PGP.
Making mac and cheese for dinner for the thousandth time, but still needing to look at the box for directions. PGP.
Having to wait to until the boss orders drinks at dinner to read the situation. PGP.
Passive aggressive emails about ice tray and paper towel usage. PGP.
Need a job to get experience, need experience to get a job. PGP.
Sunburn limiting your wardrobe choices for the week. PGP.
Using the Back-To-School section to stock up on office supplies. PGP.
When hitting that long red light in the morning means losing a good spot in the fridge for your lunch. PGP.