Knowing the CEOs grandson will get promoted before you but still being pissed off when it actually happens. PGP.
The hand bra picture in the “Temps” ad making me really self-conscious about reading this site at the office. PGP.
Checking out her ring finger first. PGP.
The activity committee bought water bottles instead of planning a fun activity. PGP.
“Man, summer really flew by this year.” PGP.
Had to make two trips to the car to get all the groceries in. PGP.
My credit score dropped. PGP.
Using a coffee filter as a plate. PGP.
Considering quitting my job because I was too busy to read TGDAG this week. PGP.
Getting bummed realizing I won’t be able to max out my Roth IRA contributions this year. PGP.